Cleft of Dimensions Wiki

The Cleft is rather confused as far as this goes, although likely not for any lack of divine presence. Rather, the confusion comes from the fact that the Gods either bicker wildly with each other or never do anything it all, making it hard to choose a figure of worship. Adding to the confusion is the fact that many newcomers import religions.

Nonetheless, there are many true Gods and Goddesses to be found, even if they do have a tendency to be unstable.

Layers of the Cleft[]

The Cleft of Dimensions is divided into several layers, in a metaphysical sort of way.

  • The Upper Realm - Home to the immortals and other things
  • The Middle Realm - The physical realm most people inhabit
  • The Underworld - Home of the dead and Dreadite's domain.

See the main article at Layers of the Cleft.


  • Ageatii, the Caretaker of Vitality.
  • Jango, the Lord of the Night.
  • Lilly, the Animal Shepherd.
  • Pisces, the Violent Pacifist.
  • Rune, the Laboring Alchemist.
  • Sarai, the Keeper of Hope.
  • Soohyun, God of Judgment, helps maintain the balance of power between the immortals.
  • Ziddar, the Mischievous Illusion, who isn't taken very seriously and likes to play pranks on everyone.

The Claire Bible[]

The Claire Bible is one of very few magic objects whose source of power is not the Mana Goddess. Instead, it harnesses the divine power of the Immortals directly.

See the main article at Claire Bible.

Worthless staff who never made it[]

  • Ami
  • dataAndrew
  • Hazama
  • Hiru
  • Jeeaghyn
  • Raven
  • Rew
  • Shionjin
  • Sirius
  • Umbraunt


The Mana Goddess and subordinate Mana Spirits control the flow of Mana, and thus, almost all Magic in the Cleft of Dimensions.

See the main article at Mana.
